Know when someone is tracking your email and block it!
All features are 100% FREE
Fully Integrated with Gmail
Free Email Tracking Blocker is fully integrated with your Gmail. Everything works automatically.

See Who’s Using Trackers
See exactly who’s using email trackers to watch your activity in Gmail.
Block Tracking When You Open an Email
Prevent email senders from seeing when you open their emails. Did you know most of the messages you receive have embedded trackers that can do this? .

Allow Trusted Senders
Allow trusted senders to see that you opened the email. This is very useful if you have relationship with customers or partner and you want to control when they know you read their email.
Works Automatically
Once you install Free Email Tracking Blocker, it works automatically in the background. There’s nothing to turn on or off. The extension will show you when someone is tracking your email—and block it.

100% Free for Anyone Using Gmail
Free Email Tracking Blocker is 100% free for anyone with Gmail or a business email hosted by G Suite.
How Are People Like Me Using Free Email Tracking Blocker?
Reply to Messages with Confidence - Be in Control
Blocking embedded email trackers means you can respond with confidence, knowing the sender is unable to gain data about you from your email activity. And you can control when they can be notified when you read their email.

Stop Spammers in Their Tracks
Blocking embedded email trackers means you can respond with confidence, knowing the sender is unable to gain data about you from your email activity. And you can control when they can be notified when you read their email.
Protect Yourself Against Pushy Salespeople
Many salespeople are fantastic. Others just don’t know when to quit. If you’ve ever been flooded by emails from an overly-ambitious salesperson, there’s a good chance they were using a tracker to see when you opened their emails. With Free Email Tracking Blocker, these kinds of annoying salespeople will be blocked from seeing your activity.